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Weekly Challenge

Every week I will upload a new challenge . You will then have 5 days to solve it and upload your solution. There will be a ranking of the "fastest students" and the top 3 will get prices at the end of the semester. 

Documents / Links

In order for you to have most of your documents and links concerning Eprog in one place, I created a site with lots of Eprog-related stuff such as summaries, exercises, powerpoint-slides , links etc.

Weekly Summaries

I will upload weekly a Powerpoint-Summary of that week's slides of the lecture. I experienced myself how hard it can be to find specific information in hundreds of slides and want to help you in this aspect.

Further material

Aaron Zeller and Cédric Déteindre created an amazing website containing a lot of useful material, such as summaries, exercises, tutorials, tips and tricks to exercises and more. Check out their website!

Feedback Forms

For me it is important that you can tell me if you have any propositions on possible improvements, remarks, feedback or if you find mistakes somewhere. Communication is key to success :)


EProg should become fun in the sense of - you enjoy programming and your improvements make you happier. I am here if you struggle, contact me and also talk to your friends, you're not alone in this! 

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